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Thursday, 18 October 2012

Why Women Vote With Their Vaginas.

Romney or Obama?

Which one do you think women are going to vote for more?

What if their vagina made all the voting decisions during the presidential elections?

Well it's going to happen.

Women vote based on their emotions. They vote based on their feelings.

And they're going to vote for the presidential candidate that makes them
feel more.

It's not about what Obama or Romney has to say.

It's how they use their tonality in their voice.

It's how they use their body language.

It's how they deliver their words.

You see, most people don't remember what people say, but what they remember is how a person makes them feel -
especially women. They remember the moment they shared, the feeling that they had.

And that's how women vote. Women vote based on what their vagina feels.

Alright, maybe they don't think about their vagina, but it's the emotions that lead to their vagina.

The winner of this election is going to be the presidential candidate that can stimulate the minds of people more than the other one.

It's the believability factor. Who do you believe more? It's not what they say, it's how they say it that makes you feel like you can trust them and believe them.

How does that relate to you when it comes down to meeting women?

It's all about how you deliver. It's all about how you own your words. It's all about how you talk, how you stand, your body language, how you communicate, and how you make them feel.

Powerful men have a command of themselves. They have a strong command of their minds and their internal feelings.

When you have control over yourself and your feelings, you can easily express that to women, and they in turn will feel what you're feeling.

If you feel nervous and scared, women will feel that and be turned off by you.

If you feel powerful, when will feel sexy and empowered in your presence, making them want you.

But how do you get this internal state down when you're bouncing around from website to website gathering pickup lines and misinformation?


Everything you need to know is gathered into one powerful program I like to call
The Men's Mastery Series.

Don't waste another second:


Your friend,

David Wygant

Copyright David Wygant. All Rights Reserved.

Wygant Productions, Inc.

4470 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90049

All material contained in this email is provided for informational purposes only. This email is protected by copyright, 2012, David Wygant & Wygant Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.

By reading and accepting this newsletter, you acknowledge that it is to be used for solely for entertainment purposes and is not considered to be 'professional advice.' Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of David Wygant and Wygant Productions, Inc

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